Chris Caraway is church contact for umarmy: email from Chris- notice tool inventory this Saturday and parent meeting after church this Sunday.
Hey Lufkin UMARMY 2014,
We are having tool inventory day this Saturday, June 7th, at 9 a.m. for EVERYBODY going to UMARMY, both youth and adults. We will be inventorying and completing all the tool kits. Once the initial inventory is done we will send a couple of adults to Harbor Freight and Lowe's to get what is needed for us to complete all the kits.
During the tool run, if some of you would like to run to Goodwill to get some work clothes that you don't mind getting paint on, you can do that. We will just need everyone back to complete the kits and put them back up.
On Sunday, June 8th, right after church (12:15 pm)we will have a meeting for adults and the parents of youth going to UMARMY. We will be giving out packing lists, contact info, what to bring/not to bring, and schedules for loading, leaving and returning.
If you have any questions, email me or give me a call, 674-7041.
Have a great week.