Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Deep End Update
Bible Studies will kick off again on January 5th!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday School
Parent Cue: Session Two Parent Cue: When you are dealing with a tough situation or a mess you’ve created, who do you go to? Why do you go to that person?
Session Three: Open Up (11/7)
It’s great to have someone to go to when we’ve made a mess, but what about before things even get that crazy? What if we had a place where we could go and say, “Here’s what’s going on. I know what I want to do, but what should I do? How do I follow through by making the wise choice? What would God want me to do?” Because having people in our lives who know our T.M.I. is finding that person or persons who we can share things with, before we end up making some major mistakes.
Session Three Parent Cue: If you are trying to make a decision, is there someone (or more than one) you trust to help you find the best solution? What are some situations that person has helped you navigate?
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
This Week in Youth Sunday School
Session Two: Dirty Little Secrets (10/31)
There’s a time and a place to share your T.M.I., but there’s also a person. That’s right. We all need someone in our lives who knows us—really knows us. We need to have someone who we can trust our secrets to, someone who we can tell what’s really going on. Someone we can go to and say, “I really messed this up.” Because when our secrets become visible, when we no longer have to work so hard at hiding them, they lose their power over us and we are free to experience God’s grace and forgiveness.
Session Two Parent Cue: When you are dealing with a tough situation or a mess you’ve created, who do you go to? Why do you go to that person?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This week at youth Sunday school
TMI Session One: Say Anything (10/24)
Well, we know how you feel about that TV show, that movie, lunch and your former best friend. Technology has given the world access to your innermost thoughts. All we have to do is follow your blog, read your status updates, follow your tweets. And while we do care about what’s going on in your life, there’s a time and a place for everything. It’s just a matter of figuring of the where and the when of what’s appropriate.
Session One Parent Cue: Look at each other’s FB page. Is there something you wish you wouldn’t have shared? Why?
Interested in being part of youth Sunday School or want to know more? Contact David Runnels at 631-3235 or drunnels@lufkinfirst.com
Friday, October 15, 2010
All church work day
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
By Tim Walker
He is the most fascinating person in the world. Everything he says is golden. Every phrase he utters is either the most hilarious thing your son has ever heard, or the most profound.
She seems to have the coolest clothes. She seems to know everything about the latest bands or movies. She knows just the right words to post on your daughter’s FB page.
They are the most interesting people in the world. And they seem to be anyone but you.
It’s not that you don’t know the shows your kids are obsessed with or can’t post encouraging things on FB. It’s not that you’re never funny or even profound. In fact, a lot of what that guy or girl to your son or daughter is saying are things you’ve been saying for years. But for some reason, your son or your daughter doesn’t hear it when you say it. For some reason, when uttered by him or her, those words pierce your child’s heart.
Sound familiar? Then you are definitely parenting a teenager. The teen years and a few years beyond are a time of life and development when your child begins to put a lot of stock in the voices outside your house. The voices of their friends, coaches and even small group leaders.
And while personally you can feel a little slighted that the child who once thought you hung the moon acts like you no longer have anything valuable to say, the truth is, this stage is natural—even if it is a little painful at times. So when the inevitable shift happens, and your voice seems to become less and less important, the big questions are, “Who are the people speaking into my kid’s life? Do they believe the same things I do?”
It’s not that your role isn’t important or that your words don’t have value—there are still some things that only you can say and do for your child. It’s just that the other voices have been elevated to just as high of a level.
So the challenge is to widen the circle. To make sure there are other trusted adults investing in your son or daughter. In our student ministry, we believe those people are your child’s small group leader. That is why we are intentional about making sure your student has a consistent leader in their lives every week, guiding them towards truth and connecting with them relationally.
But did you know there are ways you can connect with those leaders as well? Here are some ideas on how you can partner with your child’s small group leader:
• Acknowledge the importance of the small group’s leader role. If your child won’t talk with you about something going on, you at least want him or her to have someone in their lives they can talk with, someone you trust and your child trusts, right? So make sure you let that small group leader how much you appreciate him or her making themselves available and investing in your child.
• Encourage the small group leader. If your child has a great compliment about his or her leader, or you notice something he or she did well, let that person know. Working with students can be challenging. Sometimes they are quick to offer a compliment and sometimes it’s painfully silent.
• Provide your contact information. Give the leaders your contact info and let him or her know your preferred way to get in touch with you. Let them know you would love to hear from them about the ways they see your teenager maturing and growing—insights you may not necessarily have from what you see at home.
• Offer to help. How can you help that small group leader out? Maybe you could host an event at your home or provide food. Maybe you could even babysit that leader’s child or help him or her with a specific need in their lives.
• Get to know them. If the leader is young and/or single, invite him or her over for dinner. Get to know the leader as a person. Don’t use it as an opportunity to interrogate the leader to find out information about your child. But enjoy getting to know this other adult in your child’s life.
The primary goal is to make a connection and make yourself available. You are the parent, but you also need other people in your child’s life. People you can trust and people you know your child trusts. We believe your child’s small group leader can be one of those voices.
And when your home partners with this ministry, we believe the impact can be huge.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
SOS - Summer of Service
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
We will have our MANDATORY tool day and information meeting on Saturday June 5th from 9am - noon. We will go to lunch together and shop for work clothes after the meeting. You can read the required information in advance if you wish:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Parent News
5 Ways to Have a Fun, Stress-Free Summer Vacation
by Jim Burns
Family vacations don't have to strike fear into the hearts of parents. MORE
Planning for a Successful Summer
by Mary Perdue
Summertime provides opportunities for building memories and personal growth. Planning now will help families make the most of the season! MORE
Working at Family Playtime
by Jim Burns
Summer is a great season to focus on building your family by playing together. MORE
Ideas for Family Fun and Games
by Jim Liebelt
Practical and simple ideas for increasing the "play" factor in your family this summer. MORE
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday Night
There is a new option at 4:30pm - Drama (as in make believe and acting NOT a real life situation causing distress)
ALSO at 4:30 we will have a PARENT'S MEETING. We are going to talk in depth about significance, what it is and how to make sure we convey it to our children and youth.
After dinner it's "ignite" a hour of high energy worship.
Join us!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Spring Tea Pictures

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Holy Week Lock In
Stars at 1pm.
We will prepare for the Good Friday Service at 7pm
We will be at the church the entire evening
Prepare for Sunrise service.
Fun Activities (games, movies)
Prep for Sunday Morning breakfast
Sunrise Service (6:45am) and serve breakfast.
Snacks to share.
Sleeping bag and pillow.
Clothes for all days and Sunday.
Towel, toiletries etc (there are showers at the church)
$10-15 for for treats.
There is no youth on Sunday night.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Sunday Night and updates
4:30pm Youth Band and open gym
5:30pm Dinner
6:00pm OSM (over at 7pm)
Join us this Sunday for:
4:30pm Parent’s meeting “What you child really thinks and struggles with”
5:30 Family dinner
6:00pm Final Spring break update, a look at the summer and the 2010-2011 calendar.
All parents and youth are encouraged to attend!
Don't forget to look in at: osmlife.com
Join Our Facebook group: facebook.com/osmlife
more info? Contact David 936-288-1698 drunnels@lufkinfirst.com
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wakey Wakey Update
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday Night: Red Ink Army
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Ash Wednesday Update
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Calendar Updates
High School Sweetheart Slumber Party
High School John Wayne Weekend
Paintball—Splat City
Hang Out Holiday—including Enchanted Rock and Stalking David Crowder
$200 deadline to sign up April 1st.
Mexico Misson Trip
Spring Tea for the girls
GnG for the guys
Holy Week Lock In
Six flags
Paintball-Splat City
Join us weekly for any or all:
Wakey Wakey 7am Chick-Fil-A
for Middle School
Deep End Bible Studies
7th & 8th grade 6pm-7:15pm
9 th& 10th 7pm-8pm
11th & 12th 6pm-8pm
Wakey Wakey 2.0 7am Chick
-Fil-Afor High School
Early Worship 8:40am
Sunday School 9:50am
Late Service 11am
OSM 6pm
Need more info?
Contact David osmlife.com
cell: 936-288-1698 lufkinfirst.com
office:631-3235 facebook.com/osmlife
twitter: drun twitter.com/osmlife
email: drunnels@lufkinfirst.com
Mexico Misson Trip Announced
Contact David for more information.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Bring or wear your paintin' clothes as we help show some love to the nursery wing of the church.
Supplies and pizza are provided. See ya there!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Bible Study and STORM Updates
Through the eyes of a first time guest. . .
I was delighted to be a first time guest at Lufkin FUMC on December 27th. I attended worship at 8:40 and 11:00 in order to conduct a Mystery Guest Audit in preparation for the Grow Church Now learning opportunity to be held at Lufkin FUMC on Wednesday, January 13th in the Fellowship Hall. Meal at 5:30 pm training at 6:00 pm. As a Mystery Guest, I see, hear, and sense everything through the eyes of a first time guest. I will share the results of my visit during our time together on January 13th. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate what you are doing with excellence at Lufkin FUMC and to set priorities for minor improvements. We will also learn from what other churches are doing throughout the Texas Conference.
I encourage you to mark your calendar for January 13th and to plan now to be a part of this motivating, educational, and encouraging Grow Church Now learning opportunity.
This is not just for ushers or greeters, it is for every single person who is willing to welcome the stranger into life at Lufkin FUMC. See you soon.
Serving Christ with you,
Jan Floro
Grow Church Now
STORM information will be e-mail tomorrow afternoon. House assignments, packing list, etc will also be made available aat Wakey Wakey and the Church Growth Training.